
Awaken your erotic truth

“When I speak of the erotic, then, I speak of it as an assertion of the lifeforce of women; of that creative energy empowered, the knowledge and use of which we are now reclaiming in our language, our history, our dancing, our loving, our work, our lives.”

- Audre Lorde

Welcome to the beginning of the rest of your life.

A life that you create from knowing yourself. Allow yourself to put down all the “shoulds”, to stop pretending and feel the truth of who you are and what you want.

Gold Magic witch Halloween

This is a siren call for all women who are ready to experience themselves in a completely new way

Gold Sun and Moon

Are you feeling numb, disconnected from yourself and unsure how to stay connected in your body? Are you feeling like you are constantly judging, shoulding , shaming, punishing, or frustrated with yourself because it’s never enough and also too much. Are you tired of giving your power away, faking pleasure, or pretending to be happy when you're not?

Mystery Spell Circle. Golden Mystical Alchemy Witchcraft Circular Emblems, Occult Geometry Signs, Circle Magical Vector Illustration Icons Set

You are invited to rewrite this story. You no longer need to be in pain. You get to choose. This is an opportunity to walk a different path led by curiosity and your senses.

How do you choose to experience yourself

Embodied is a twelve week immersive group experience led by Goddess Brittney where you will emerge a woman who is living as her authentic self.

This is a place where you have freedom to explore what feels good to you in a supportive and safe container. You can indulge in spaciousness, presence and community.

Gold Snake and Moons

In this offering we will meet twice weekly for sensual movement sessions, campfire style circles, and sacred rituals all from the comfort of your home. Through these practices you will build confidence, body trust, and know more of who you are. You will learn how to build and nurture a thriving relationship with you!

Celestial gold mandala
I am here with you as you explore your sacred temple
I am holding space as you experience more of yourself your wants your desires what lights you up and turns you on

Through sensual movement and sacred rituals you will experience the truth of your soul and build a relationship of devotion to yourself.

Ingredients for Witch's Ritual on Table

These rituals cultivate the vibration to allow miracles to enter your field. Synchronicities, soul aligned partnerships, dream job opportunities, all sorts of magical occurrences that are attracted to you when you’re living fully in alignment.

This offering includes

Cosmic Pregnant Goddess

Sensual Movement

Dive into your sensuality and learn to move from truth and pleasure (no pole required)

Mystical Woman Holding a Crescent Moon Illustration

Mirror Work

Learn about yourself through reflection

Cosmic Pregnant Goddess


as Self Love

Discover how to establish boundaries with love

Cosmic Goddess Illustration

Self Discovery

Follow your curiosity and explore the truth of who you are

Cosmic Pregnant Goddess

Body Worship

A practice of honoring your temple

Goddess Character Illustration

Voice Activation

Opening the space for your voice to come through in new ways

woman contour astrology, goddess of female power. zodiac signs, tarot cards, fortune-telling and predictions, forecast

Manifesting from


How to call in magic and miracles through pleasure

Goddess Greek Mythology

Ritual Ceremonies

Myriad gatherings around forgiveness, gratitude, and self love

White Glitter Background

Since I was a little girl, I loved to explore what feels good! Dancing, eating, laughing, and playing were where I felt most at home. And then life, limiting beliefs and trauma happened. I took on a lot of messages about what was acceptable and what was not, and a woman connected to herself and her pleasure ended up on the unacceptable list.

For years I lived disconnected from myself, from my body, and from pleasure; the result was depression, loneliness, people pleasing, and severe dissociation. One week before my thirtieth birthday began my journey of reclamation. In one of my darkest hours, I allowed myself to feel and find the light. I decided I would not continue to “live” this way and I changed my life. It was the BEST gift I’ve ever given myself. Permission! Permission to be me, to feel me, to take up space, to stop apologizing, and to let my light shine.

There were no accidents and my soul had a divine plan for me to awaken and be a light on the path for other women to do the same. I am a pleasure priestess who is so blessed to guide women through sacred rituals so they may deeply connect with themselves and live their best lives now.

About Brittney

Gold glitter decor
Gold Square Border
Pinkish ice texture
Flaming Gray Candles



“Britt is a close friend of mine and the only way to describe her is “light and sensuality.” She is a beacon of joy and has a huge compassionate heart, always looking for a way to give back and to bring joy to others. Through working with her, I learned so much about myself, my body and how I’ve been looking at myself over the years, overlooking certain parts, being unkind to others. I learned kindness towards myself through touch and movement, and the whole time I could feel her genuine desire to help me and teach me. All this is amazing, but my favorite thing about her is how much she makes me laugh. She is a joy to spend time with.”


“I'm in a period of big transition, and felt increasingly out of touch with myself - my desires, creativity, rituals, and.. essence. Working with Britt has been a sweet, sexy, fun, and sometimes-funny homecoming and reminded me of my internal power(s). I feel more connected to myself, and have better tools to deepen this connection as well as reconnect when life intervenes. This work is such a gift in a society run by feelings of 'not enough' or 'too much'.”


“Brittney brings Goddess energy to a whole new level. She made me feel so comfortable exploring my hidden power and story from within. After one conversation, I found myself feeling more deserving to ask for the things I want. After one session, I felt my body and mind lining up to receive the things I want and to create my art in this world from a deep place and eternal source of energy.

I move now daily, in a different way. My favorite line from Brittney during a session was “This time, lead with your nose…whatever that means to you”. I can’t tell you how powerful it was to trust that I knew what that meant, lead with that intent and see how it translates into my daily life. Now I wander intentionally and what comes of it, is the gift I want to give back to the world.”

All of this and much much more is possible for you!

If you’ve found this work, know that your soul is guiding you to awaken. I am here to guide the way with love as you decide to truly see yourself. You’ve decided to witness your own glory, wisdom, truth, and beauty.

Magnificence of the highest order! I’ve walked this path before. I was afraid to put down so many labels thrust upon me by those I love. I was afraid of what it might mean to truly take up space, to speak my truth, to honor my brillant, sparkly light.

I dove headfirst into these practices and every day I continue to flourish and thrive from all the gifts I have received from living in an embodied state.

I am the most me I’ve ever been and I love myself dearly. I honor who I am in every moment. It is my life’s work to support other women in doing the same. When we are connected to the truth of who we are and are able to live from this place, we change our world. The change is breathtakingly beautiful. I am in awe and wonder of the magic that has been unfolding from living in my truth. I am humbled to shine a light on this path for you.

Gold Arrow
Gold Moon Phases